Connect With Industry Professionals
Builders and Developers
Find a Builder or DeveloperIn search of a builder? Explore our extensive list of reputable builders and developers in the region.
Professional Renovators
Find a RenovatorNeed a renovation? Find local and dependable renovators ready to work for you.
Associate Members
Find a MemberLooking to network? Browse our community to connect with our highly regarded members.
Membership Benefits At A Glance!
Advocacy & Government Relations
WRHBA is committed to advocate for its members to ensure that their interests are represented at all levels of government. Our primary objective is to promote consumer choice, affordability, and adequate supply. Our ultimate goal is to provide a robust voice and a powerful presence in the industry.
Networking Business Sessions & Events
WRHBA hosts a variety of activities for members to make valuable business contacts, increase their industry knowledge, build their business, socialize, and network with other industry professionals locally, provincially, and nationally throughout the year.
Power to Build Your Brand
Three-Tiered Membership
RENOMARK Brand for Renovators
Industry Recognition
Member Directory
Member Logo
Marketing and Exposure
Professional Development
Industry Knowledge and Education
Discounts and Cost Savings Programs

Become a Member
Only WRHBA members receive exclusive discounts and offers from retailers and businesses with whom we’ve partnered with.
Contact Us
625 King St E
Suit 1C
Kitchener, ON
N2G 4V4